Monday, 25 January 2021

#हिप_रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी के बाद चलना, बैठना और उठना हुआ बहुत आसान | अजय राठौर | Dr RP Singh Reviews

मेरा नाम अजय राठौर है और मुझे पैर में प्रॉब्लम हो गयी थी. मैंने डॉक्टर्स को दिखाया और उन्होंने बोला की गैप आ गया है. इसके बाद में डॉ RP Singh जो की #बंसलहॉस्पिटल में जॉइंट रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जन हैं से मिला। उन्होंने मुझे X -ray करवाने का बोलै और बाद में MRI के लिए बोले. MRI रिपोर्ट चेक करने के बाद बताया की तुम्हे हिप रिप्लेसमेंट करवाना चाहिए और उसके बाद तुम बहुत अच्छे से चलने लगोगे. मुझे बहुत ज्यादा तकलीफ थी , बैठते नहीं बनता था, चलने में बहुत प्रॉब्लम थी. मैंने बंसल हॉस्पिटल भोपाल में ही अपने हिप रिप्लेसमेंट करवाया. सर्जरी के बाद मेरा पूरा दर्द चला गया और अब में बहुत अच्छे से चल पा रहा हूँ. अब में अपनी जॉब भी कर रहा हूँ. थैंक यू डॉ. RP Singh मुझे नया जीवन देने के लिए.

Monday, 4 January 2021

Learn All Important Before You Visit Orthopedic Doctor in Bhopal

Knee joint replacement is the process in which the ailing knee or injured knee with prosthesis or artificial joint is replaced. The prosthesis is made up of polymers, metal alloys, and plastics. It copies the functioning of the knee. According to the Best Orthopedic Doctor in Bhopal, knee replacement can fit all your needs and specifications. 


While selecting the prosthetic knee, your specialist will consider the following things-

*      Weight

*      Age

*      Activity level

*      Overall health

The process to remove your old knee and replacing it with prosthesis usually takes several minutes but the rehabilitation and recovery may take time.

Another name for this process is knee arthroplasty. And knee replacements are common surgery.

Knee joint replacement- Purpose-

Damage from arthritis is the common reason why people choose to go for knee joint replacement. It involves both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Usually, the knee joint replacementin Bhopal specialist suggests knee replacement after other, less insidious treatments have failed. First-line treatment options involve-

*      Assistive devices like knee brace or cane

*      Weight loss

*      Physical therapy

*      Medications

Some pointers that determine whether you are an ideal candidate for the knee joint replacement includes-

*      Age

*      How much knee pain interferes with day to day activities like climbing stairs, walking, or running

*      Overall health

Knee surgery is an archetypal treatment for people who are more than 50 years of their age. Young people who have the knees replaced may have the artificial knees and may necessitate a revision.

Knee joint replacement- How to prepare for it?

Before surgery, your doctor will examine overall health and anesthesia threats. The evaluation includes-

*      Blood tests

*      A full medical history

*      X-rays

*      A physical examination

*      Other imaging tests

Your knee joint replacementin Bhopal doctor will ask you for full medical history inclusive of prior surgeries and unending health conditions that you may have. Tell your doctor about the medicine that you are consuming including over-the-counter medications and nutritional supplements. You must quit some before undergoing the surgery.

Are there complications associated?

Every medical process carries some risks and your doctor will tell you about it and how those can be lessened. Below are the complications associated with it-

*      Bleeding

*      Blood clots in legs

*      Breathing issues

*      Artificial knee wearing out

*      Stroke

*      Heart attack

In case you face fever, pain, swelling, chills you may ask your knee joint replacement in Bhopal doctor and he will immediately respond to you to overcome such issues. Be well prepared for everything before undergoing surgery.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Tips for You to Find the Very Best Orthopedic Doctor in Bhopal

Orthopedic surgery is nowadays available easily than ever and this is because of the advancements in technology and specialty surgeons who perform the procedure. The sufferers experience better results, fewer problems, and shorter recovery time. Seeking the help of the knee joint replacement doctor is the very first step that you must take towards healthier and active living. 


Below are some tips that will help you to choose the best orthopedic doctor in Bhopal for having successful treatment.


Tip no-1

Research experience levels-

Knee joint replacement specialist not only excels in their field but they use new technologies and devices and modern surgical approaches to offer the best possible quality of care to the sufferers. The best surgeon in Bhopal would be the one who already is familiar with the kind of health situation you are experiencing and had handled many cases. Also, he/she is having very good years of experience with special cases and is having the past of numerous successful surgeries.

Tip no-2

Visit the doctor’s office or to the hospital-

After you had narrowed down your choices, you must meet the orthopedic doctor face to face. Grant yourself this opportunity to discuss your situation completely. The right orthopedic doctor will give you enough time to listen to your full medical history and needs and will tell you all you should know regarding the knee replacement. Go with the one who makes you feel greatly comfortable.

Tip no-3

Have an observance of the surgical tools-

Find out where your orthopedic will perform the surgery and see if the contemporary tools are there are not. With the combination of proficiency and experience, one can put the newest tools to use to make sure to get better results.

Tip no-4

Figure out the cost-

When the time comes to orthopedic surgery, the cost of the procedure and follow-up physical therapies need to be accounted for. Most importantly, figure out whether your surgeon is enclosed under your health insurance to easily avoid paying money from your pocket.

Tip no-5

Check the doctor’s background-

Browse through an online database or any reliable medical association to recognize-

·         Board-certified doctors

·         Educational background

·         Qualified surgeons with proper training

Follow all those tips and easily find out the best orthopedic doctor in Bhopal.

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Best Orthopedic Doctor in Bhopal - Both Hip Joint Replacement Surgery of Mr Tejram Sahu

Both #HipJointReplacement Surgery of Mr Tejram Sahu Jee by Dr. #RPSingh at the Bansal Multispeciality Hospital Bhopal JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGEON & #ORTHOPEDICCONSULTANT Dr. #RPSingh performed Both Hip Joint Replacement Surgery of Mr. Tejram Sahu Jee. He is doing exercise and running in fabulous way. Great results for him, watch the video... Dr. RP Singh is offering Advanced & World-class hip joint replacement surgery in Bhopal, Central India.

Friday, 25 September 2020

Tips for First Week after Total Knee Joint Replacement Surgery

 The very first knee replacement successfully took place in 1968 and since then it has no looking back. And if we estimate total number of total knee replacements that take place annually in a country would be 600,000. This surgery is considered as one of the most successful operations in the medical field and all the credit for this goes to the materials and surgical techniques that has grown over the time. On the other hand, these advancements have resulted in comparatively shorter hospital stays. But, this also means that there’s more responsibility on the patient for managing their own recovery. One of the toughest periods after the surgery could be the first week just after surgery. Thus, here we are providing the helpful tips by the best orthopedic doctor in Bhopal for helping you manage those times. 


·         Keep the Joint Moving: This is one of the most important pieces of advice to remember. You must maintain mild movement in the joint so that it can help to improve the pain. Most of the people think that they need to rest joints and muscles so as to help relieve pain, but you must remember that the repaired joints will actually hurt less with motion. Also, it will circulate blood, prevent clots and reduces swelling.

·         Manage Swelling: On one hand, some swelling occurring in the area could be a good sign as it shows recovery, but too much of the swelling can result in increasing pain and knee stiffness. Thus, it is vital that you know how to manage your swelling. Your orthopedic doctor in Bhopal would advice you some of the medications which will help in controlling the inflammation. Thus, ensure that you take all the medicines on time.

·         Keep the Muscles in Working: The surgery typically shuts the muscles “off” and thus is the patient’s duty to turn them “on” so as to get them in working pattern again. You don’t need to worry about building the strength, instead, focus much on the movement. It is vital that you bend, straighten, and squeeze the muscles at least once in an hour. This will gradually result in increasing the strength.

·         Don’t Ditch the Walker too early: Each and every one who has undergone the knee joint replacement surgery wants to ditch the walker early just because of the fact that they remind them of their mortality. However, the best orthopedic doctor in Bhopal advices the patients to keep the walker at least until you are no longer limping. Thus, stick to it with the walker or a cane for a little while longer.